Saturday 5 April 2008

Planet Terror: "Humanity's last hope... Rests on a high power machine gun."

Planet Terror is one half of the Grindhouse feature by the mastermind that is Robert Rodriguez. Who, if you live under a cinema-sheltered rock, brought us "Sin City." Which is awesome, you should watch that too. But yeah, Planet Terror. This film is pure dedication to the zombie genre, and as you can imagine it's a extremely competitive genre. With films like "Dawn of the Dead", "Day of the Dead", "Hour of the Dead", "Birthday of the Dead," blah blah blah etc etc etc, you get the point. With such a huge amount of films, good and bad, that make up this genre, Planet Terror is perhaps one of the best out at the moment. Basically, if you like gore, sexy ladies and fucking loads of action then you should really check out this film. The other half of the Grindhouse feature is "Deathproof" - which I thought was kind lackluster but whatever.

In all honesty though, this film fucking rocks. The homage to Grindhouse cinema is amazingly well done, complete with damaged film and even a missing reel which immediately makes viewers think WHAT THE FUCK. You might want to know what the film's actually about, right?
Here, taken shamelessly from IMDB;
"After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousands into zombie-like creatures, it's up to a rag-tag group of survivors to stop the infected and those behind its release."

I'm not gonna give you a more in depth look because it'll take away the shock factor. You need to watch it with as little expectations as possible so you take the full effect. I randomly watched it and thought it was amazing, basically the image of a hot chick with a machine gun for a leg enticed me. What can I say? I'm simple.

This film is basically a marmite effect, you either love it or you hate it. The haters probably think "blah blah another Tarantino/Rodriguez gorefest, yawn." Although this does have some truth, the biggest entertainment in this film isn't the well-developed plot or answers that it gives you. It's the fact that it's basically a total zombie gorefest. But this is, I think, exactly what it's SUPPOSED to be. Remember the last ~mainstream~ zombie film with a 'plot'? No? It's probably "Resident Evil." Which is fine if you like a zombie film but the plot is questionable and the endings laughable.

If you like a good, non-challenging Zombie!fest with minimal character development then fucking watch this. If you like to be totally engrossed in the finesse of a finely-created plot... then find another film.
This is pure, bloody, zombie entertainment at it's fucking finest. Don't get invested in it, don't take it seriously, don't question the logic behind it. Just enjoy the ride.

International trailer:

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