Friday 8 August 2008

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. This film looks pretty shit, right? Another teeny-bopper fiasco that you won't be interested in... and you're probably right. I'm not going to recommend this to everyone, definitely no. This does only cater to one market, actually, make that two: teenage girls and people-that-aren't-teenage-girls that still love teenage-girl films. Unfortunately, I'm the latter.

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging follows the tale of our Heroine, Georgia Groome, who is - as many people were at that age - only focused on three things: boys, boys... and boys. Yeah, it's a tried-and-tested recipe but I thought this one had some fairly surprising results.

If you can get over the cheesy plot, corny acting, screaming 14-year-old girls, the fact I'm sure it deviates from the book (I've never read them, though) and the slightly.. 5-years-ago script, it's actually a quite pleasant, feel good film.
For teenage girls and the like. But I digress.

The great costume failure.

I went in with no expectations, if however a little cynical. The teeny-bopper, tween films never really deliver. And if they do, they're delivering the wrong thing. However, I was charmed to pieces and completely won over by these British, screaming, loud fourteen year olds. Totally and utterly.

The film is a total cringe fest, there's no doubt about it. Is there any doubt from the synopsis?

"The story centers on a 14-year-old girl who keeps a diary about the ups and downs of being a teenager, including the things she learns about kissing."

But beneath the cringe, there's a certain sense of motherly protection over our leading lady. Whether you're a girl, or a boy, we've all been 14. We've all made total idiots of ourselves, done silly things and generally expected the world to end for us. This film, in my opinion, manages to capture the horrifically embarrassing moments of pre-teenhood in a charming, cute fashion and really makes you root for a happy ending.

And, as with all forms of this genre, there is one. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging does not try to break molds, but remains a good salute to the genre and the phrase "don't try to fix what's not broken."

The girls.

If you feel like having a film completely set out for you, makes you cringe and roll your eyes (but secretly think this is actually really good, but I'm not going to let anyone think I'm enjoying myself!) then you should check this out. And, as a person with an extremely dry sense of humor, this teenyboopertweenyhyper film actually managed to make me laugh out loud.
More than once.